worship service
Join us for this study of the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah is the final book written in the OT history setting leading into 400 years of silence from God, ushering about the coming of Jesus. Follow along as Nehemiah shows the importance of leadership through the power of God.
Worship Services Classes for Children
Tonya Henry
The Gospel Project take kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything. We have classes for 1st-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade children, these children begin in the sanctuary and then are dismissed to class after worship before the sermon.
Sunday School Classes
Whatever Happens- Philippians
Kirk Thomas-Elder
Adult Class
Sunday school hour is a great hour filled with a lot of interaction as we study the Word of God together.
Life is unpredictable, and the world is unstable. People have never been so confounded, sensing our culture, economy, and geopolitical systems are spiraling downward. Even in our personal lives, none of us knows what will happen next—which is why God gave us the book of Philippians. This short letter—just over 100 verses—can help us learn to live overflowing lives in an overwhelming world.
Matt Barnett-Elder
Adult Class
Matt Barnett facilitates the downstairs Sunday School dealing with life and relationships. The Engagement Project's ten tours will again take us on a marvelous quest of seeking the face of God and, as best as He will allow, to gaze upon the Crown Jewel in His nature—a quest we hope and pray will deeply transform the Body of Christ.
This will lead us to understand where we are in God’s Meta-Narrative and the incredible vision that He has entrusted the primary work of the Kingdom to the common, everyday Christian.
1,2,3 John
Derick Erwin- Elder
7th-12th Grade
John’s letters offer a rich but concise summary of God’s redemptive love for us. Writing to churches that were beginning to splinter under false teachings, John wanted to remind early churches of the true gospel of Christ. Not only was Jesus fully God and fully human, but He was the propitiation for our sins, the atoning sacrifice for the debt that we could not pay. Moreover, not only are we redeemed by Christ, but by God’s love, we are adopted as sons and heirs. In light of the work that Jesus has already completed on the cross, John calls us not only to repent and flee from sin, but also to love one another with the love of Christ.
Lawanda Barnett
1st-6th grade
Our dedicated set of volunteers want to help your kids dig deep into God's Word! Using a book-by-book format, every session brings the Bible to life through rich study and engaging Bible objects, equips kids with foundational Bible knowledge and skills, and encourages them to live what they learn everywhere they go. There are 2 separate classes going through this study that take place, one is for 1st-3rd grade and the other is 4th-6th grade children.